"Extra! Extra! Watch all about it! 35mm movies in Black and White! " If that line sparks a longing for the grand old movies of the Golden Age of Hollywood then you're going to love this ongoing Sunday series curated by the American Cinematheque. The show goes on every Sunday at 1:00pm at the Los Feliz 3 on Vermont near Griffith Park in Los Angeles.

Every week special guest programmers present all the movies that are fit to project in beautiful black and white 35mm film. The guest lineup includes director, Allison Anders, Patton Oswalt, Michael McKean, comedian Dana Gould, and Paul Thomas Anderson, to name only a few. It's a very eclectic group who share a love of true cinema and its lasting impact upon the viewers of any generation.
The films scheduled to play range from the comedies of Ball of Fire and Duck Soup, to the dramas of 12 Angry Men and A Face in the Crowd. And from the Noirs of The Killing and Kiss Me Deadly, to the iconic international wonders of the French La Belle, et La Bete and the Indian Charulata. Westerns Musicals, Silents and Horror films also get their fair share of attention in the series that has no projected end date. Not every film has a presenter, so you may want to skim through the robust schedule and make selective decisions. Then again, why limit yourself. It's a great list of gems that virtually guarantees a great movie going experience no matter when you go or even if you know what you're about to see.