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  • Writer's pictureCarrie Specht

How to Do the TCMFF on the Cheap

Wondering if you can still buy passes to the TCMFF? Believe it or not you can still get the Classic Pass and the Palace Pass (which restricts you to films at the Chinese, the Egyptian and poolside at the Hollywood Roosevelt Friday - Sunday). What are you waiting for? Go to right now!

If you’re a fan of classic cinema I have no doubt you understand the significance of the Tuner Classic Movies Film Festival (TCMFF), even if you’ve never been to it. Going on six years now, the annual event is a type of mecca for those devoted to the cinema of years gone by. And for those of us who are a part of this quirky group of cinephiles we need not try to explain our fervent enthusiasm for seeing an old movie on the big screen to each other. We get it. We bond over it.

It’s our friends, co-workers and family who struggle to understand how we could possibly get so worked up about a bunch of films made a long time ago, let alone the significance of seeing these wonderful works as they were meant to be seen, in a theater larger than life. Well, I’m not going to worry about those people at this time. Sooner or later (usually as they get older) those people will come to see the light and wonder why they didn’t get it in the first place. No, I’m currently concerned about the believers who have so far denied themselves the joy of experiencing an event that so obviously appeals to them, and I respectfully ask what are you waiting for?

I understand there are those who truly can not afford to take any kind of a trip, even if it’s from Burbank to Hollywood and for them I empathize (although I do have some suggestions that could help you make the trip next year, but that’s another post I’ll have to write). I’m talking about those who just continually put it off, unable to schedule it into their lives, or justify the expense that they can obviously afford. Now don’t get all over me about that last statement. You can do the math yourself and figure out that if you plan it right you can see a bunch of films like never before and spend less then you would per film on a Saturday night in your home town. I’m just saying it’s do-able. Likewise, flights and accommodations can be had dirt cheap if you hunt for them or bundle up with a buddy. And you don’t have to worry about food, cause you wont have time to eat. When you do, it will be something cheap and fast. You know you’re going to love it, so stop dragging your feet and commit already. Commit to smelling the roses and enjoy a community that celebrates one of your great interests.

Seriously, I run into people all the time who are longing to attend the festival, yet haven’t. I end up apostatizing the virtues of the fest - you know, all the buddies you’ll make, all the stars you’ll see, the joy of feeling not only accepted but embraced because you love classic movies, and the one of a kind high you’ll experience from being surrounded by people just like you. I think I’ve actually made a significant difference, and should probably hit TCM up for a finders fee. But I wouldn’t do that. How could I charge anyone for making the choice to fully enjoy their passion?

If this plea has finally persuaded you to take the plunge and join your brethren go to the TCMFF pass purchasing page. And please seek me out and tell me. Email me at, twitter me @ClassicFilms, or better yet find me at the fest. You can’t miss me cause I carry a tote bag that says, “” (so does my mom, but she’ll pass along the message). I really do hope you’ll join the rest of us, because for a true fan of all things gloriously old Hollywood, attending the TCMFF will bring you a happiness I just can’t explain in words. It can only be explained in pictures - about a million of them at the rate of 24 per second, but I bet you already knew that.

See you at the TCMFF!

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