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  • Writer's pictureCarrie Specht

Classic Films on TV

Although TV is not the ideal format for presenting cinema, it’s simply impossible to view all the films you’d ever like to watch in a movie theater. There just isn’t enough time to organize the logistics that would workout in an accessible manner - the prints, the projectors, the storing, etc. However, with the options available today, why not take advantage of what your television has to offer in your own home? With so many channels popping up every day (TCM, FXM, getTV, AMC, etc.) there’s really no excuse for not being able to access from your TV just about every thing you’d ever want to see - and then some!

Try this: the next time your favorite channel is showing a film you’ve seen a million times, pop over to one of the other ones to see what they have to offer. I’ve discovered some great films that way. They’re out there just waiting to be seen. But, if you're like me it's hard to pass up familiar comfort food for something unknown. That's where your remote and/or DVR come(s) in handy. Switching channels back and forth has never been easier and neither has recording on one channel while watching another. I spent the better part of a week once when I was "in between gig" (as they say in LA) and discovered the joys of many a great, albeit lesser known, classic film.

I know streaming is where it's at these days, and who knows where it'll be at tomorrow. But how about its original purpose? Just remember, that when the cable goes out, or your internet service is on the fritz, there's still a dozen or so channels you get just by turning on the TV, not to mention what you may have backed up on the DVR. Not only that, but some of these channels have exclusive rights to films you're not going to see anywhere else. Or else, they're so old and forgotten nobody wants them, and they land on TV. If that doesn't spark your interest, let me remind you that It's a Wonderful Life made its name on local station broadcasts when it was considered an old film nobody cared about any more.

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