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  • Writer's pictureCarrie Specht

The website is dedicated to nostalgia for TV, advertising and pop culture in general. And the page geared to Movies ranges in scope from the not too distant (articles about current actors’ worst flops) to the Golden Age of Hollywood (coverage on the recent passings of Lauren Bacall and Richard Attenborough) and beyond. Once you dive into the many intriguing and entertaining pages you may find it difficult to maneuver your way out, let alone find motivation to do so.

Many online destinations designed to reminisce upon classic cinema focus entirely on reviews. Criticism is a part of the package at DoYouRemember, but there’s so much more going on at this site that’s it’s difficult for me to describe it sufficiently within this column. Let’s just say that they pretty much do and say what they want without restraining themselves with a pat protocol. If a contributor wants to write about De Niro’s 8 Most Explosive Roles (link), so be it. Another contributor may consider Lassie and 4 Other Hollywood Dogs Ready for Their Comeback (link).

Although they do seem fixated on numbers (Roger Ebert’s 5 Best & Worst Netflix Movies, The 7 Wackiest Marx Brothers Movies) the theme is pretty much whatever a contributor feels inspired to write about. I find this approach to covering classic cinema refreshing and endlessly enticing. It seems no matter where I search on the Movie page I find so many titles to pique my interest that I have made DoYouRemember a permanent resident of my home page internet tool bar. I suspect that once you give it a visit, you may find yourself doing the same.

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